Young Living Essential Oils Brand Partner# 745136
Essential Oil Blends
Single Essential Oils
Personal Care
How to Order
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Member of the HeavenScent team

Why diffuse essential oils?

Diffusing essential oils in your home or office is a perfect way to help you relieve tension, dispel odors and create an atmosphere of peace and harmony. Young Living's diffuser is the most efficient on the market. It is designed with an innovative air pump that disperses the oils into a micro-fine vapor so they stay suspended in the air for several hours. The diffuser disperses the oils without heating them, so they retain their therapeutic benefits.

Diffusers are available in Bronze, Silver or Green.
Complete Diffuser with BRONZE Well
Complete Diffuser with SILVER Well
Complete Diffuser with GREEN Well

Using your diffuser

The diffuser is small and light and can easily be carried from room to room. To use it, put about 20 drops of oil into the little well, plug it in, turn it on, and the oil goes through to the glass nebulizer and is dispersed into millions of tiny particles in the air. This literally adds negative ions and oxygen to the air and also kills airborne bacteria. It is recommended that you rinse out the well in between using different oils or blends. Also, please use only therapeutic-grade essential oils in our diffuser, as people often have adverse reactions to contaminants in lesser grade oils, and we do not want diffusing to get an undeserved bad reputation.

Where to begin

The Essential 7 Kit is a perfect set of oils to begin with. With this kit, you can diffuse lavender for a fresh, beautiful and calming effect, lemon for a pleasant, uplifting effect, Peace & Calming to help get a good night's sleep and relieve stress, and Purification to cleanse and deodorize the air. The kit also includes PanAway to rub over aches and pains, and peppermint oil of which a drop can be added to a pitcher of water for an energizing beverage which many have reported reduces food cravings.
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