Therapeutic grade essential oils

All the amazing stories about the effectiveness of essential oils for improving almost every aspect of life presume that the oils being used are pure and, where standards have been established, of therapeutic grade.

This is an extremely important point for two reasons:

  1. Pure essential oils known to be safe for human use may be used on the skin, in the air, or internally.
  2. Impure or adulterated oils, whose contents or quality are unknown, can cause mild or extremely serious problems when used on the skin, or are inhaled or ingested, and may even be carcinogenic with repeated use. They should never be used undiluted or repeatedly, on or in the body.

Every batch of essential oils received at Young Living's laboratories--whether grown at the Young Living farms or in a foreign country--is quarantined, inspected, and tested for purity and quality. Samples are sent to independent laboratories for analysis by state-of-the-art high-resolution gas chromatography, mass spectroscopy, and infrared spectral analysis. These tests unmask the chemical anatomy of each oil, exposing oils that may be impure, adulterated, or even improperly distilled. Some oils are subjected to further levels of testing at labs in England, France, and at Weber State University. Altogether, oils may go through five separate levels of quality analysis before they are released.
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Where to find therapeutic grade oil:

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Buy oil

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