Young Living Essential Oils Brand Partner# 745136
Essential Oil Blends
Single Essential Oils
Personal Care
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Member of the HeavenScent team

Excerpts from The Power Hour

Dr. Gary Tunsky - Cellular level healing - The Power Hour, June 11th
>> Click here to visit the Dr. Tunsky program information page

"Healing Oils of the Bible" - David Stewart - The Power Hour 5/4/04
>> Click here to visit the Healing Oils program information page

Teri Williams - The Power Hour 1/21/04. Topics include: the immune system, using oils in prayer and annointing, frequency of oils, dental health and more.

How to apply essential oils

Essential oils discussion with Dr. Gary Tunsky

Dr. Ann Blake Tracy discusses antidepressant drugs and how essential oils work with brain chemistry.
>> Click here to visit Dr. Tracy's program information page

Why are therapeutic-grade essential oils important?

Natural flea, tick, parasite control for pets

Emotional healing with rose oil

Teri Williams with more excellent explanations, personal stories and ideas!

(Audio excepts from The Power Hour with Joyce & Dave)
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Dr. Ann Blake Tracy on The Power Hour
Monday 3/15/04
Dr. Ann Blake Tracy, author of Prozac: Panacea or Pandora will be on The Power Hour radio show discussing current SSRI drug issues and her supportive protocol including essential oils. Visit The Power Hour site for details on how to hear this show.

Listen now to Dr. Tracy discussing essential oils and brain function

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